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SeneGence is a California based company and LipSense is worn by celebrities everywhere.

While searching for some fun videos, I borrowed from a couple of the top distributors within this company. Their videos are excellent and worth watching over and over again.

There are over 60 beautiful lip colours to choose from and at least two times a year "Limited Edition" trending colours are introduced. However, this liquid lip colour is layered and by using different combinations you can create a bounty of new lip colours customized to your liking. New colour creations have been designed by celebrities and SeneGence Distributors. We have several of the most moisturing complimentary glosses to choose from.  

Apply your lip colour in the morning, carry your gloss and you are good to go for the rest of the day. Reapplying the gloss helps to protect the colour and keep your lips moisturized. 

Being in business for yourself but not by yourself is a wonderful concept. It allows you to experiment and not be ruled by someone else's demands or time schedule. Meeting and working with other like-minded people provides you with more rewards than just financial. The harder you work, the results will be beyond your expectations. We have been witness to time and time again people from all walks of life rising to the top and living the life of their dreams which under their previous circumstances would have taken them a lifetime to achieve, (if at all).


Plus you can work with your family and grow a much closer bond. We have been exposed to and experimented with a multitude of direct sales companies and now have our feet planted firmly with SeneGence and Young Living Essentials oils. The knowledge and training we received, while investing ourselves, with some of the other top companies in this industry has been well worth every cent and every moment of our time.

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